Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 😀 I hope you all have a great Vday. It will be Ry and I’s first V-day as an engaged couple..yay! We are going to get some Roadhouse tonight for dinner and celebrate at home. I made him a chocolate cherry cake from scratch..no box mix or premade frosting. Everything was whipped up in my new stand mixer…I don’t know how I ever baked without one! I love it. Anywho..the cake looks adorable..I’ll let you know how it tastes in a future entry..hehe. It should be good though..One thing I’m especially good at..is baking. Hands down.
Well..I’m going to be a nerd and get back on WoW for a little while to try and get some more Lovely Black dresses and attempt to get the truesilver arrow..Although I’m not too concerned if I fail at that..I got a dress for my alliance and a dress for my horde..I love the dresses the mostest 😀
My doggy smells like stinky socks.