






I love "Pink"…and I'm freeezing

January 14, 2009

No, not the color (my favorite color is actually blue)..I love the clothing line “Pink” by Victoria’s Secret. It’s basically comfy cute undies and loungewear in bright colors and cozy fabrics. I have some yoga pants, sweatpants and a couple capri pants..and some undies..all of which I loveeee. I can’t wait till we have paid for our wedding and paid down some debt so I can pick up some more cute outfits from VS. Until then I can just browse the catalog and look forward to when I have some more money to spend! How cute is this?

(inspiration to keep up with working out for summer!)

On another note it’s absolutely frigid here Rochester NY today. The cold front freezing all of Canada and the upper states moved in yesterday and it was around 0 overnight. It’s around 20 right now so that’s manageable..but tomorrow is supposed to be even colder. Ugh. I hate winter! I’m either freezing or breaking my back shoveling our double driveway *growl*. Ryan knows I’d prefer to stay here bundled up in the house so he’s a sweetheart and going to pick up my hair color and some soda on the way home from work so I can stay cozy on the couch with my doggy and blankie..blogging away! I haven;t colored my hair since before October and my roots are bad right now..ick. Hair color will fix that for Ry’s holiday company party on Saturday. Free food + dancing = Score.

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